Wednesday, November 6, 2024

Understanding Your Headache: And what a Doctor can do about it

Finding the right doctor for headaches or migraines is what people generally do. When you look for a headaches doctor Brooklyn, Staten Island, then the internet might offer you a number of highly rated physicians. However, before you choose a specialist, it is important to understand the type of headache that you are suffering from.

headaches doctor Brooklyn, Staten Island

What Might be Wrong with You?

When you do not understand the real source of your headache, then you would ideally resort to an expert to find out the nature of your problem. A seasoned Headaches Doctor Brooklyn, Staten Island, would have the expertise to handle all types of head pain.  This includes, but seldom remains confined to, tension, tension-induced headaches, cluster headaches, menstrual migraines, and basilar migraines, among others. Once the team of paying management finds out the real cause of your problem, then they will chalk out the best line of treatment for you without going overboard with the bill. Most of the doctors have the necessary training to employ the latest technologies. 


For example, for impeccable diagnosis, many new-age doctors are using fluoroscopy. Depending on the type and the severity of your pain, your doctor might consider lines of treatment, such as biofeedback, medication, infusion, and other therapeutic procedures. As a perk, you get helpful strategies and tips that you can easily pursue every day. You can find them helpful to ease your triggers and manage pain better.


About Cervicogenic headaches

There is another distinct headache type. It originates right from your cervical spine. This is commonly caused by dysfunctions or abnormalities in the upper spine or neck area. Unlike classic tension headaches or migraines, cervicogenic headaches happen due to referred pain. This means that you will feel the pain in your head. However, in reality, it starts from the neck. If you have cervicogenic headaches, then you would frequently experience sharp pain on one particular side of your head.


Typically, it would start from your skull's base. It can also start from the neck. Eventually, the pain is likely to radiate to the temples or your forehead. The most common triggers are poor posture, neck movements, or prolonged and awkward head positions. Your Headaches Doctor, Brooklyn Staten Island, can find the real reason for your pain and suggest a line of treatment accordingly. 

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